Characterization of coatings
Coatings are defined as those layers that are incorporated to a part and that, beyond an aesthetic function, which can also be fulfilled, as for example with paints, add different properties to the object.
The characterization of coatings will consist of identifying which materials they are made of and checking their properties. It is, therefore, a set of techniques of high importance in the industry, as their responses to different agents and situations will also influence those offered by the set that covers.
In Infinitia Industrial Consulting we offer you the proven experience of our professionals and the complete technology of our laboratory so that you can perform an optimal characterization of coatings and thus verify that your materials will meet the expectations.
What does coating characterization consist of?
The characterization of coatings encompasses the set of techniques that aim to identify and check the properties of a coating. Its importance in the industry is not a trivial matter, since an infinite number of parts will have these materials adhered to their surface, thus adding their characteristics, whether positive or negative, to the use to which they are to be put.
Thus, although it is to be expected that a coating will bring benefits to the component that incorporates it, such as hydrophobic properties or greater resistance to weathering, this is not always the case and can also cause undesired effects.
This is the case, for example, of coatings that perform behavior with adhesives, since these do not set correctly due to the new surface properties.
For these reasons, it is important to know how the materials to which a coating has been applied will respond, especially if the coating is not known. It is in these cases where its characterization becomes especially relevant.

Testing for coatings
Coatings can be subjected to different tests and trials to check their properties. The following are some of the most commonly applied in the industry:
With this test we will check the wettability of a part, which will allow us to determine how its surface will behave towards liquids and to what extent these will be able to spread and leave traces.
Another test that can be applied to coatings is that which will subject these materials to situations in which external agents may scratch or impact the surface. These tests are of absolute relevance for, for example, coatings in the automotive industry, such as paints, since in their useful life they will be exposed to this type of situations, either when entering a car wash or when they are impacted by gravel. In these cases, some of the best known tests are those carried out with instruments such as durometer rods or the gravel meter.
The purpose of this test is to simulate the environment in which a coating can develop and the effects that aspects such as inclement weather will have on it.
The humidity and temperature cycles, to check its response to situations such as rain, cold or heat, or the application of ultraviolet radiation, to simulate its exposure to solar radiation, are part of this section.
The adhesion of a coating is a fundamental aspect for its correct use. Poor adhesion can lead to blistering and detachment, so it is advisable to know its properties when adhering to the substrate to which it will be fixed. In this regard, cutting through a lattice is one of the most common tests.
And, in the same way that it is convenient to test the adhesion capabilities of a coating, it is also advisable to test how it responds when working with adhesives.
In any of these cases, you can count on the professionalism of the Infinitia Industrial Consulting team, who will offer you a specific and customized solution for each case.
Similar to characterizing metals or plastics, but in coatings or paints. Whether they are homogeneous, weatherability, aging properties, whether they improve the wettability or not of the part (surface tension), hydrophobic properties. The coating is also linked to adhesives (some coatings stick poorly to adhesives) (see adhesives post) Coating coatings and adhesives.
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