Ideation and concepts

We transform ideas into viable and attractive concepts for the market. At INFINITIA Industrial Consulting we are experts in design and innovation, so we are with you throughout the entire ideation and concept process.

We provide a creative and strategic approach to your project. We ensure that initial ideas respond to real market needs. With a structured approach and the use of product brainstorming techniques, we develop solid concepts that set the course for innovation. This is how we work on product ideation and conceptualisation.

What is ideation and conceptualization in product development

The ideation phase of product development involves generating ideas for the creation of new products and transforming them into specific concepts that reflect the client’s value proposition and business objectives.

We explore different approaches and carry out a conceptualization of innovative products that allows us to define the essential characteristics of the product. Discover how we manage to achieve, from initial ideas, a product is innovative, viable and aligned with the market.

Contact with us

Contact us for more information or, if you prefer, you can use one of our other technical consultancies with complementary services to boost your project.

Phases of product idea development

The ideation and conceptualization of innovative products requires different work phases. Let’s look at them below:

1. Ideation process or generation of ideas for new products

The product ideation process refers to the definition of concepts. This is why it is a creative phase in which multiple ideas are generated with the aim of exploring new possibilities and approaches. Thus, at INFINITIA, we work with brainstorming techniques for products, as well as creativity tools that help us to foster the creation of product concepts.

We identify opportunities for improvement, incorporate trends, and explore the features that highlight the value of the product in the market. During this stage, we work closely with our clients to ensure that all ideas are aligned with the project vision and objectives. 

2. Product concept design

We transform ideas into tangible solutions. Once the ideas have been generated, we proceed to design product concepts. We define the characteristics, purpose and focus of each concept, turning the initial ideas into structured and functional proposals that can be evaluated and validated.

At INFINITIA we transform ideas into products by defining the key elements of each concept: Functionality, design, user experience and differential value. We align customer and market expectations, establishing a solid foundation for prototype development and final product design.

3. Creation of conceptual prototypes

From theory to practice, we carry out the creation of conceptual prototypes in which we give shape to ideas allowing the product to be visualised and evaluated in its first versions. A conceptual prototype is a physical or digital representation of the product, with which we identify strengths and areas of improvement of the product, before moving on to the full development phase. A very important stage in the process of ideation and development of innovative concepts.

At the INFINITIA laboratory we are experts in prototyping and prototype manufacturing. We adjust your design, functionality and ergonomics; with the aim of creating a product adapted to the demands of the client and the end user.

4. Validation of ideas in product development

The last phase of ideation in the development of a product is the validation of the idea itself. Without a doubt, a key process for ensure that the selected concept is viable and has market potential.

We analyze factors such as relevance, differentiation, attractiveness, and technical and economic viability; in order to identify the necessary adjustments before moving forward with the development of the product. We maximize your chances of success and reduce risks. To do this, we useuser feedback and analysis tools.

Ideation and concepts
Ideation and concepts

What are brainstorming and creativity techniques?

Brainstorming and creativity techniques are key in transforming ideas into products. These actions range from brainstorming to divergence and convergence methodologies, allowing teams to explore original solutions and build a clear vision of the desired product.

We find innovative solutions and optimize the potential of each concept. Structured creativity allows you to identify differentiating features and improve product adaptability in a competitive market, ensuring that the design and value proposition respond to specific consumer needs. Find out more!

Advantages of ideation and conceptualization

¿Quieres apostar por el servicio de ideación y conceptos de INFINITIA? Estas son las ventajas que obtendrás:

  • Ideas orientadas al mercado: Nuestro proceso de ideación va de la mano de las necesidades del mercado, así como las expectativas de cada cliente. Maximizamos su relevancia y valor.
  • Optimización de recursos y reducción de riesgos: La validación de ideas y la creación de prototipos conceptuales nos permite optimizar el diseño y, por consiguiente, reducir los riesgos asociados al desarrollo.
  • Conceptos innovadores y diferenciadores: Identificamos características genuinas del producto, que aportan valor añadido y permiten que el producto destaque en su segmento.

Convertimos tus ideas en soluciones tangibles. Desde el brainstorming hasta la validación de conceptos; pasando por la creación de prototipos… en INFINITIA Industrial Consulting trabajamos todas las etapas de desarrollo del producto, de principio a fin. Una garantía para su éxito en el mercado.

Do you want to bet on INFINITIA’s ideation and concepts service? These are the advantages you will get:

  • Market-oriented ideas: Our ideation process is based on market needs and the expectations of each client. We maximize their relevance and value.
  • Resource optimization and risk reduction: Validating ideas and creating conceptual prototypes allows us to optimize the design and, consequently, reduce the risks associated with development.
  • Innovative and differentiating concepts: We identify genuine product features that provide added value and allow the product to stand out in its segment.
  • We turn your ideas into tangible solutions. From brainstorming to concept validation, including prototype creation… at INFINITIA Industrial Consulting we work on all stages of product development, from start to finish. A guarantee for your success in the market.
Shoe production procedure sketch drawing

Contact us

We transform ideas into products. You will find experience and specialization in the INFINITIA team. Write to us and together we will make your idea possible!

Contact with us

Contact us for more information or, if you prefer, you can use one of our other technical consultancies with complementary services to boost your project.