Technical feasibility analysis

Technical feasibility analysis

We are a key part of the technical feasibility study of a product. We validate and optimise its design before the production phase. Our goal is to create products that meet performance, safety and functionality requirements.

Find out more about this technical feasibility analysis service, which we offer from INFINITIA Industrial Consulting. Reduce risks, ensure a viable product and make effective decisions!

What is project feasibility analysis?

The study of the feasibility of a project or a technical feasibility analysis is the name given to the exhaustive analysis process that seeks to determine whether the design and technical specifications of the product are feasible.

Thus, it not only involves evaluating the technology necessary for its development, but also identifying possible technical obstacles and making adjustments to the design to ensure feasibility.

Contact with us

Contact us for more information or, if you prefer, you can use one of our other technical consultancies with complementary services to boost your project.

Types of technical feasibility analysis

We differentiate between different tests related to the technical feasibility analysis of innovative products. They are as follows:

Technical feasibility analysis

Evaluamos las posibilidades y las limitaciones de un producto. El análisis de factibilidad técnica es un componente fundamental del estudio de viabilidad técnica y económica, ya que permite identificar las posibilidades y limitaciones técnicas que pueden afectar en el desarrollo del producto

Incluye la evaluación de materiales, procesos de fabricación y tecnología, así como una revisión de los requisitos técnicos del producto. De este modo, nos anticipamos a posibles problemas y ajustamos el diseño o los procesos necesarios.

Asimismo, este análisis de viabilidad técnica dispone de una investigación de tecnología en el desarrollo de producto para evaluar las opciones tecnológicas disponibles y elegir la que mejor se adapte a los requisitos del producto. 

Pruebas de concepto y evaluación técnica

¿Sabías que las pruebas de concepto en viabilidad técnica son clave para aspectos como el diseño o para confirmar si el producto cumple con sus especificaciones técnicas? En INFINITIA, realizamos pruebas técnicas para la fabricación de prototipos, que permiten evaluar de manera preliminar la funcionalidad y el rendimiento de los mismos. Aseguramos que el producto sea funcional y fiable antes de avanzar a fases más costosas de desarrollo o producción.

Con una evaluación técnica para el desarrollo de producto, identificamos y damos solución a problemas en etapas tempranas, minimizando así los costes y tiempos de desarrollo. Este enfoque proactivo facilita, por tanto, un desarrollo de producto más eficiente y reduce la probabilidad de fallos durante el lanzamiento.We evaluate the possibilities and limitations of a product. The technical feasibility analysis is a fundamental component of the technical and economic feasibility study, as it allows us to identify the technical possibilities and limitations that may affect the development of the product.

It includes the evaluation of materials, manufacturing processes and technology, as well as a review of the technical requirements of the product. In this way, we anticipate possible problems and adjust the design or the necessary processes.

Likewise, this technical feasibility analysis includes a technology research in the product development to evaluate the available technological options and choose the one that best suits the product requirements.

Proof of concept and technical evaluation

Did you know that technical feasibility concept tests are key to aspects such as design or to confirm whether the product complies with its technical specifications? At INFINITIA, we carry out technical tests for the manufacture of prototypes, which allow us to make a preliminary evaluation of their functionality and performance. We ensure that the product is functional and reliable before moving on to more costly phases of development or production.

With a technical evaluation for product development, we identify and solve problems in the early stages, thus minimising development costs and times. This proactive approach therefore facilitates more efficient product development and reduces the likelihood of launch failures.

Performance tests on prototypes

We are committed to product quality and durability. Performance tests on prototypes are crucial to check whether or not the product meets the expected quality and performance standards. We simulate real use and verify its strength, durability and functionality in different conditions.

Through technical evaluation for product launches, we achieve a safe, effective and high-quality product. We optimise the design to make it as robust and reliable as possible. Find out what these technical tests for prototypes involve, get in touch with us!

Technological feasibility study

Technological feasibility studies are key to the technical viability analysis. They are used to research and select the most appropriate technologies for product development. At INFINITIA, we evaluate advanced materials, manufacturing processes and assembly options that can contribute to the efficiency and sustainability of the product.

Our laboratory guarantees innovative and profitable solutions. Hence, we not only optimise the product design, but also increase its competitiveness in the market.

Technical risk analysis

We identify possible obstacles and plan mitigation strategies, thanks to the technical risk analysis of products. We analyse all aspects of development that may present technical difficulties, from material selection to assembly requirements and production processes.

In this way, we identify potential risks and develop contingency plans to resolve any technical problems that may arise during product development. As a result, we improve the viability of the project and optimise resources and development time, minimising the economic impact and the impact on the product launch time.

Viabilidad técncia

Advantages of carrying out your feasibility study with INFINITIA

Discover the benefits of choosing an experienced partner like us. At INFINITIA, we support our clients in the technical feasibility study phase of the product, ensuring that the design and materials are suitable. Get a safe, functional and efficient product now!

  • Comprehensive and personalised evaluation: We carry out a detailed evaluation of all the technical aspects of the product in order to achieve a viable design that is in line with quality standards.
  • Risk reduction: With a complete technical evaluation and proof of concept, we are able to identify potential failures at an early stage, thus improving the product design.
  • Optimisation of resources: As we identify problems and optimise the design before moving on to more advanced phases, we optimise economic and material resources.
  • Alignment with performance expectations: Our feasibility plan guarantees that the product meets performance and resistance requirements, ensuring a successful market launch and that the product meets consumer expectations.


We are professionals in technical and technological feasibility analysis. Our team of experienced specialists at INFINITIA will offer you a solid foundation for the development of innovative products. Find out more with no obligation!

Contact with us

Contact us for more information or, if you prefer, you can use one of our other technical consultancies with complementary services to boost your project.