R&D strategic consulting
What is strategic consulting in R&D?
We focus on research and technological development for products, but also technologies and business strategies. To execute it successfully, it is also absolutely necessary to know what you require.
That is the reason, at Infinitia, we came up with this innovation consultancy: a place for professional exchange where we will answer all your questions about research and development in business.
We highlight the latest trends and make it easier for you to know the state of the art according to your industry and products: bibliographic review & patents, competitor analysis, prospecting, and supplier selection…
We listen and guide companies to materialize their ideas. Furthermore, we research, create, and implement various strategic plans for research and market development, to improve business processes in R&D.
Specialized professionals from different branches work together in our team to solve problems regarding materials. Our laboratory equipped with the most innovative technology, as well as all the experience we have in the industrial sector, are also fundamental to providing the best support to our customers.
We are your strategic R&D consultancy. We boost your potential in research and development according to your business needs. Creation of new products, implementation of new business strategies, or reorientation of what you already had. Investing in research and development is a clear commitment to the future.
Work with us! If you are looking for a research and development company that provides a consulting service, we are ready to work by your side. We turn technological innovation into an opportunity for your company. We use methodologies, such as design thinking, to offer you real solutions. An R&D department is very important to give a clear and reliable answer to your needs to help you grow.

Benefits of our R&D strategic consulting
Contact with us
Contact us for more information or, if you prefer, you can use one of our other technical consultancies with complementary services to boost your project.
Review of the state of the art
Research and product development is fundamental if you want to implement new products. To pursue this goal, in-depth work is highly required. Therefore, in our innovation consultancy, we always opt for a thorough and complete review of the state of the art.
To establish the “state of the art” or “state of the question”, our team carries out a detailed bibliographic review (doctoral thesis, scientific articles, master’s theses, etc.). We also research patents already published, to know for sure about the authenticity of the product.
At Infinitia, we also make an analysis of the competition and objective research and selection of suppliers. We work rigorously and professionally because we want to be your ideal partner. We empathize with you as a company, so we offer you the most complete solutions.
We are a strategic consultancy for companies, specializing in the strategy of the research and development area. Our R&D consulting service offers you support in the different stages of your business, from conceptualization to implementation.

Latest trends
Technology is constantly changing and evolving. At Infinitia, we know that competition is high among companies. Therefore, from our innovation consultancy, we recommend you make use of the latest trends in R+D.
Nowadays, to obtain a differentiation and a value proposition, it is necessary to bet on research and development.
In other words: you need to increase your company’s R&D activity.
To obtain the tools that promote efficiency and effectiveness in your products or service, you need a partner who works in research and development in business, like us. At Infinitia, we offer you all our knowledge, resources, and tools to implement the best R&D strategy for your business.
We are a business consultancy that offers global solutions in the innovation and development of materials. Let us know your doubts and we will answer you with precision and rigor.
We want to help you grow at all levels, making use of cutting-edge technologies as well as the most innovative strategies and methodologies.
Types of products we work on
Research and development is not only useful for some specific industries. All products are concerned, no matter the field in which your company works.
Here is a short list of products that require investment in research and product development:
- Food.
- Medicines.
- Cosmetics.
Feel free to contact us to see how we could support you as a research and development company providing consultancy.

Works done in R&D strategic consulting
Contact with us
Contact us for more information or, if you prefer, you can use one of our other technical consultancies with complementary services to boost your project.