Metallic materials testing

ensayos de materiales metálicos

As the basis of many industries and at the very root of the Industrial Revolution, metals have supported the development and growth not only of our society, but of civilisation as a whole. From buildings and infrastructure to household appliances, every day we are surrounded by at least eighty different types of metallic materials that

Technological innovations in the machine tool sector at the BIEHM exhibition in Bilbao

Technological innovations in the machine tool sector at the BIEHM exhibition in Bilbao

A couple of weeks ago part of the INFINITIA Industrial Consulting team took part in the 31st edition of the Biennial Spanish Machine Tool Exhibition (BIEHM) in Bilbao after 4 years without opening its doors. This interesting exhibition of technological innovations has been held every two years since 1961 and is the third most important

The importance of design in the development of new products

The importance of design in the development of new products

When people think of the concept of design, it is often confused with something merely aesthetic. It is not given importance, it is overlooked or it is thought that it is not essential in the initial phases. In short, it is understood as something that is not indispensable for bringing new products to the market.

Composite materials: What are they and what are they for?

materiales compuestos

Composite materials have better strength, flexibility, toughness or lightness than many traditional materials. A composite material comes from the union of several materials to generate another one with better properties. This is why they have multiple industrial applications. If you want to know what composite materials are, what they are used for, what are the

How to use benchmarking to improve your product?


Benchmarking is a management tool that compares products, processes and techniques with standard or competitor values in order to improve them. In recent times, companies are focusing on improving the product development process. Many forward-looking industries are using new strategies, approaches, processes and technologies to modernise their functions. This is where benchmarking comes in handy.

Substitute products in marketing: Definition and types

Substitute products in marketing: Definition and types

A substitute product is a similar good that can be used in place of another. They are highly competitive goods that can enhance a brand’s commercial product strategy, both in marketing and in developing improvements. Do you want to know what substitute products are, what the different types are and how they can improve your

Optimisation of industrial processes

optimizacion procesos industriales

The act of making adjustments that make interaction more effective and improve systems is known as process optimisation. Process optimisation is crucial to achieving greater efficiency, regardless of the industry or sector to which it is applied, as improvement techniques are essential for perfecting manufacturing and design tasks. In this article, we will look at

Laboratory food analysis: The nutritional value of foods

analisis nutricional de alimentos en laboratorio

The nutritional data obtained in a food laboratory on the composition of food is of fundamental importance in sectors such as nutrition, the food industry, food regulation, dietetics, health, biodiversity, plant breeding and trade, among others. Thanks to food analysis we can obtain the nutritional value tables that are used in labelling, research or food

How to create the functional design of a product

empresas de analisis de alimentos

You have probably wondered what functional design of a product is and how it can be elaborated, as well as the conditions that must be fulfilled in order to achieve greater efficiency and output. Therefore, it should be noted that the functional design is a specification of the software features that the end users have

What is a business model? Types and peculiarities

modelo de negocio

According to the book “Business Model Generation” by Alexander Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur, a business model describes the basis on which a company creates, delivers and captures value. However, with new technologies and the advent of the internet, it has been coined in a more specific way. It is used as a more flexible tool

Food processing: What is it?

alimentos procesados

Food processing are the actions to which a food is subjected and which modify its natural conditions, allowing its preservation and adapting its appearance. The purpose of industrial food processing is to make available to the consumer public the variety and quantity of food that they request, regardless of the time of year and the

Biocompatibility testing of materials

materiales biocompatibles

Biocompatibility is described as the ability of a material to generate an acceptable biological response during the time and contact mode of a specific application. Therefore, it should be known that a biomaterial is a material that will be in contact with some part of the body. The design of the most appropriate test strategy