Root cause analysis

Root cause analysis methodology allows us to leverage learnings and problems from the past to drive our industrial products and materials towards innovation. In this article we explain what root cause analysis is, types, examples, advantages and how we can use it to benefit forensic engineering.

What is root cause analysis?

Root cause analysis of a problem is defined as a method that describes a wide range of approaches, tools and techniques used to discover the causes of problems and prevent them from happening in the future. In other words, it allows you to analyze the cause and effect relationship in something; in order to take a proactive look at, for example, the failure of a piece of equipment in production.
Learning from the root cause gives us the ability to anticipate and prevent possible failures, improving our capacity for industrial innovation. Root-cause methodology can be applied to new product designs, equipment failures in production and in the product improvement process to correct errors and provide more value.
To carry out a root cause analysis successfully, in theory, root cause analysis is simple; but in practice, it requires skillful methodological aptitude, which is fundamental in forensic engineering.

Common types of root causes

Now that you know what RCA (root cause analysis) means, let’s look at the main possible causes of a root cause:

  • Human causes: The root cause of the problem is nothing other than human error, the result of ignorance on the subject.
  • Organizational causes: In this case, the underlying cause is to be found in problems related to the company’s systems or processes. In other words, from poor decision making to the misuse of the organization’s material and human resources.
  • Physical causes: In other words, the origin of a problem of this type is due to physical failures of the system. That is, problems in the work equipment.

Root-cause methodology: how to perform an RCA analysis

How to carry out this analysis process? First of all, you will need a root cause analysis methodology or tool. Thus, you need to know that there are several approaches and methods used in root cause analysis.
Some are visualization tools, which help uncover root causes by presenting the information in a new format. Other approaches start with the causal factors to get to the true cause of the problem. However, each method helps dig beneath the surface and shows operations in a new light.
Here are the main root cause analysis methods:

Barrier analysis.

This root cause analysis technique is used to identify the root cause of the problem in the industrial sector. Considering that errors happen when barriers fail, barrier analysis is used to determine which barriers failed and why.

Cause tree

Cause tree analysis starts from the main event (the failure) and, with a retrospective view of the facts, starts tracing back through the facts to the causes of the failure.

Change analysis

This type of analysis is based on analyzing – redundancy aside – all the changes that may result in the event or problem. This method is extremely effective when there are a significant number of possible causes.

5 whys

To perform the 5 whys analysis, the cause of the problem must be sought from five questions that begin with a “why”. This is a Japanese method of analysis where each why generates successive questions starting with another “why” until the root cause is reached.

Fishbone diagram

In this method of root cause analysis, which is also known as the Ishikawa diagram, a cause-effect diagram in the form of a fishbone is used to try to identify possible causes. It is a very useful diagram to open group discussions in the search for the problem.

The Kepner Tregoe method

The Kepner Tregoe method is a method in which the problem is disconnected from the decision. It uses a structured theory to obtain and evaluate information and prioritize risk.

Advantages of Root Cause Analysis

Why use root cause analysis? Here are some compelling reasons:

  • Reduce risks: As we already know, root cause analysis allows you to delve into failures and discover why they occurred. Therefore, it makes it possible to minimize risks as much as possible. As the saying goes: “You can learn from your mistakes”.
  • Lower costs: By reducing risks, costs are optimized. The team becomes more efficient, also in economic terms.
  • More productivity: By preventing failures, employees are more motivated and, as a result, uptime is improved.
  • Continuous improvement: On the other hand, root cause analysis is an iterative process. Therefore, it helps to constantly improve the product or service.
  • More quality: Preventing failures and continuous improvement in products allows the organization to be more efficient and, therefore, provide a higher quality product. This in turn will provide greater customer loyalty.

Application of root cause in forensic engineering

Root cause analysis has a direct application in industry, in materials and, therefore, in forensic engineering. It can be applied in new product designs, in the incremental upgrade process, as well as through corrective actions to speed up the overhaul process. Thus, these are the different steps of root cause analysis:

Root cause analysis step: Define the problem 2.

The first step of root cause analysis is to clearly define the problem at hand. Once the problem definition is outlined, it should be reviewed by the materials forensic engineering team involved in the root cause analysis process to establish its accuracy and feasibility.

2. Root Cause Analysis Step: Data Collection

Next, gather as much evidence and information as possible about the problem to gain a comprehensive understanding of the problem.

3. Root cause analysis step: Locating the root cause

Once you have collected all the data, both quantitative and qualitative, you need to review each of the identified causes and try to pinpoint the root cause behind the issue.

4. Root cause analysis step: Problem solving

In this step, you try to arrive at the resolution of the root cause identified earlier.
The solution can be of two types:

  • Corrective solution: short-term or interim measure to solve the problem. This solution addresses the “direct” and “obvious” cause of the problem.
  • Preventive Solution: A thoughtful, long-term resolution that targets the root cause and prevents recurrence.

5. Root cause analysis step: Create strategies and plans to implement the solution.

After having defined the solution, it is necessary to devise the action plan to implement it. This step of the root cause analysis requires establishing

  • The activities needed to implement the solution.
  • The resources needed for the activities to be carried out.
  • A schedule of activities.
  • The users responsible for the activities.
  • Any additional issues surrounding the implementation of the solution and its variables.

6. Root cause analysis step: Monitor the solution and confirm its operation.

This last step is essential in the root cause implementation process. It involves regularly monitoring the solution after its implementation, ensuring that it remains viable and thus does not allow the root cause to recur.

Examples of root cause analysis

And from theory to practice. Let’s look at a couple of examples of root cause analysis from two different methodologies.
The first example of root cause analysis is with the 5 whys method. A hinge on a productive machine has broken.

  1. Why did it break? Because the hinge has been subjected to more force than it can withstand.
  2. Why has the hinge been subjected to more force than it can withstand? Because the hinge had a factory defect that decreased its mechanical properties.
  3. Why didn’t it have a factory defect? Because during the manufacturing of the hinge, the proper temperature was not reached to solidify the material in the right way, causing physical defects.
  4. Why was the proper temperature not reached? Because the heating system did not work properly and the hinge was left for less time than required.
  5. Why didn’t the heating system work properly? Because it was not maintained on time and the temperature probes were defective.

Another example of root cause analysis is the root cause tree technique. In this case, the example consists of a coffee maker that burns the users.
Burning of the user -> Holding the handle of the coffee maker -> High temperature -> Reaction to heat -> Material of manufacture

By way of conclusion, it should be added that forensic engineering is of the utmost importance in the industrial sector when it comes to preventing and solving problems that could otherwise prove disastrous.
If you are thinking of looking for a forensic engineering team, do not hesitate to contact us. Infinitia is the scientific police of materials.