Characterization of antimicrobial properties of surfaces

What was the challenge or problem to solve?

There are different treatments and technologies (coatings, additives for plastics, topography modifications, energy treatments…) that have certain antimicrobial properties.

Plastic, metal, glass, textiles…. any material can become a perfect host for bacteria. But how can you find out the level of microorganism growth in a given material?

Characterization of antimicrobial properties of surfaces
Characterization of antimicrobial properties of surfaces

How was it addressed or what was the solution?

To know if the growth of microorganisms on a surface is feasible, it is vital to have a microbiological laboratory, with the necessary equipment to work in safe conditions, as well as to obtain reliable results without cross-contamination.

Thus, our team specialized in forensic engineering performs various tests, based on international standards and norms (the well-known and widely used Japanese Industrial Standard JIS Z 2801, as well as ISO 22196:2011 or ISO 20743:2013).

In addition to the official methods, several adaptations and modifications were made in order to simulate and reproduce the real conditions to which the material will be subjected.


  • To know the surface antimicrobial properties of different types of materials
  • To guarantee the quality of the results


  • Work with international methods and standards to ensure the quality of the results
  • Adapt the methods to simulate and reproduce the real conditions in which the material will be subjected to

Contact with us

Contact us for more information or, if you prefer, you can use one of our other technical consultancies with complementary services to boost your project.