Characterization of the antibiofilm properties of surfaces

What was the challenge or problem to solve?

The dreaded biofilm often arises naturally on the surfaces of many materials that we use in everyday life, causing aesthetic problems or more serious problems such as corrosion, breakage or malfunctioning of components.

To prevent it, there are different strategies or technologies (coatings, additives…), and that is why it is necessary to have the necessary methods and knowledge to be able to characterize the antibiofilm properties on surfaces, to evaluate their effectiveness and choose the best treatment.

Characterization of the antibiofilm properties of surfaces
Characterization of the antibiofilm properties of surfaces

How was it addressed or what was the solution?

To evaluate the effectiveness of these treatments, the Forensic Engineering team works according to international standards such as ASTM E2196-12 and ASTM E2647 – 20.

In the microbiology laboratory, controlled growth of the biofilm on the surface to be analyzed is performed and then analyzed with the Olympus BX53 eplifluorescence microscope.

In addition to the official methods, several adaptations were made to obtain the results in an accelerated way to be able to make decisions in less time, as well as the appropriate modifications to simulate real conditions and in which it is of interest to see how the material behaves.


  • To know the surface antibiofilm properties of different types of materials
  • To guarantee the quality of the results
  • Achieve results in the shortest possible time


  • Work according to international standards to ensure the quality of the results
  • Adapt methods to accelerate biofilm generation as well as to reproduce real conditions.

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