Development of a method for simultaneous analysis of biofilm and extracellular matrix

What was the challenge or problem to solve?

The client requested the development of a method that would allow simultaneous microscopy of the micro-organisms and the extracellular matrix (ECM) they produce.

Until now, the analysis was done only by observing the accumulation of micro-organisms, which meant that information was lost, or else it meant having to carry out a greater number of analyses and loss of productivity.

When microorganisms form a biofilm, they begin to secrete different molecules that form the ECM responsible for protecting and providing nutrients, so it was feasible to analyse both simultaneously.

Development of a method for simultaneous analysis of biofilm and extracellular matrix

Development of a method for simultaneous analysis of biofilm and extracellular matrix

How was it addressed or what was the solution?

To develop the new method, the Forensic Engineering team researched and searched for different types of stains that overlapped with each other as little as possible.

With the information from suppliers and INFINITIA’s experience, different microscope parameters were optimised until it was finally possible to simultaneously observe the extracellular matrix and the microorganisms that had produced.


  • Simultaneous visualisation of microorganisms and extracellular matrix.
  • Improved productivity when analysing specific samples.


  • Prospecting and acquisition of different dyes that do not overlap each other.
  • Optimisation of the method and design of a protocol to achieve optimal visualisation with the microscope.

Contact with us

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