What was the challenge or problem to solve?
The client wanted to evaluate the potential of catalytic filters, which would allow these compounds to be degraded and eliminated.

How was it addressed or what was the solution?
The Materials Innovation team carried out the search and prospecting of the state of the art of catalysts for gas degradation, and based on the defined requirements, it was decided to work with efficient low temperature catalysts (known as Low Temperature Catalyst or LTC)
Different catalytic filters were synthesized and prepared on ceramic substrates. For this, different optimizations were previously carried out to find an optimal, reproducible preparation protocol capable of being implemented on an industrial scale.
The prepared filters were characterized from the chemical point of view by means of scanning electron microscopy (SEM), as well as functional by means of different tests with gases and through Gas Chromatography (GC-MS).
- Elimination of unwanted bad odors, or compounds of low health, generated in certain scenarios and applications
- Prospecting of suitable solutions for industrial implementation, and prior validation at laboratory scale
- Design and synthesis of low temperature activated gas catalytic filters
- Evaluation of the effectiveness of filters to degrade certain gases