What was the challenge or problem to be solved?
One of our customers had a need to explore alternative cleaning and disinfection products for delicate floors. They were looking for a new solution that would not only clean effectively, but also ensure total disinfection, but without damaging the material. The challenge faced by INFINITIA was to compare the effectiveness of cleaning wooden floors using electrolysed water, produced by an electrolytic cell, with other traditional cleaning products.
The Product Development team, together with the Materials Innovation team, was in charge of meeting this challenge. They had to design a cleaning method that not only met the customer’s expectations in terms of effectiveness, but also complied with regulations and technical specifications. The success of this project lay in the ability to demonstrate, through a rigorous design of experiments and conclusive results, that electrolysed water could be a viable and superior alternative to traditional cleaning products for cleaning wooden floors.
This project not only demonstrated the viability of electrolysed water for cleaning and disinfecting wooden floors, but also opened the door to future applications of this technology in the field of domestic cleaning, professional cleaning and the development of new innovative products.

How was it addressed or what was the solution?
For this first phase, it was necessary to work with different equipment and tools, such as an abrasion tester, to accurately simulate the cleaning action on wooden floors. The importance of this first phase was to establish a protocol that would replicate the real conditions of use, thus guaranteeing the relevance of the results obtained.
Subsequently, the cleaning solutions to be evaluated were prepared: the cleaning products in the proportions recommended by the manufacturer and, on the other hand, electrolysed water generated by means of an electrolytic cell. The results showed that the latter stood out for its potential to offer superior disinfectant capacity, representing an innovation on conventional cleaning methods.
With preparations complete, the team programmed the test parameters and assembled the set-up that put the abrasimeter into action, ensuring that everything was aligned with the customer’s requirements and specifications. This step was decisive for the accuracy and replicability of the tests, facilitating direct comparison between the cleaning methods evaluated.
The final phase consisted of multiple tests with both solutions, applied to different types of wooden floors and delicate surfaces. The comparison of the results obtained made it possible to evaluate not only the cleaning efficacy, but also the degree of disinfection provided by each method. The delivery of these results to the customer culminated in their satisfaction, confirming the success of electrolysed water as a promising alternative to conventional cleaning products.