Failure analysis, packaging design and validation

What was the challenge or problem to solve?

The client asked us to perform an analysis for the validation of a packaging capable of protecting and keeping intact its contents during transportation and storage, until the final customer opens it, so that the product, weighing approximately 6 kg, reaches the user in perfect condition.

From these analyses, decisions can be made as to where the design of the packaging needs to be strengthened or changed to eliminate weak points.

The fear of the purchase of delicate objects is that they arrive damaged by an incorrect treatment in the transport, blows, falls etc., can produce breakdowns and even irreparable breakages in these objects, for that reason it is important to choose well “the box” (packing / packaging) where we send delicate objects.

Failure analysis, packaging design and validation
Failure analysis, packaging design and validation

How was it addressed or what was the solution?

After studying the standards for drop tests such as ISTA, ASTM and UNE-EN, we chose the most appropriate one, which performs 12 drops from a height of 50cm.

We started with a packaging prototype which we examined for weak points, and once they were eliminated, we proceeded to its task, we packaged a machine which had previously been guaranteed to work exactly as it should.

After each drop, the Forensic Engineering team examines the damage that may be relevant and cause damage to the machine, after each test we make an analysis of damage to packaging and analyze the operation of the machine, making sure that it has not suffered either aesthetic or functional.

Based on this study we can design a packaging capable of withstanding the most common falls and blows in transport, without suffering any damage to the contents, thus ensuring its perfect condition upon delivery.


  • To achieve a packaging capable of resisting the most common falls and blows received during transport
  • To make the packaging efficient, but at the same time economical and ecological, being 100% recyclable and recycled


  • Starting from a first prototype, tests are carried out and the results are analyzed and modifications are decided upon until a definitive model is achieved, guaranteed to meet the standards appropriate to the type of transport

Contact with us

Contact us for more information or, if you prefer, you can use one of our other technical consultancies with complementary services to boost your project.