Laser welding of polymers

What was the challenge or problem to solve?

The customer wanted to find out the feasibility of using laser welding to join polymers at a production stage.

Therefore, a proof of concept was proposed to determine the quality of laser welding of polymers in pairs of materials. By means of an overlap welded joint between a transparent polymer and a black polymer.

Laser welding of polymers
Laser welding of polymers

How was it addressed or what was the solution?

To select the appropriate laser, an initial characterisation of the materials was carried out using Vis-NIR spectroscopy.

Once the optical characteristics of the samples were known, a matrix with the theoretical working parameter combinations was defined and different welding tests were carried out to achieve an optimised joint.

The evaluation of the weld was carried out by tensile tests and microscopic inspection of the cross section to identify pores, inclusions and internal defects in the weld.



  • Determining the feasibility of welding for a production process
  • Selection of suitable laser
  • Obtaining welds and assessing the quality of the joint


  • Optical material characterisation
  • Optimisation of laser parameters
  • Mechanical testing and microscopic weld inspection

Contact with us

Contact us for more information or, if you prefer, you can use one of our other technical consultancies with complementary services to boost your project.