What was the challenge or problem to solve?
Traditional solutions based on methacrylate (PMMA) do not withstand high temperature applications, while those based on high temperature polycarbonate (PC) are not capable of transmitting the full range of colors.

How was it addressed or what was the solution?
The Materials Innovation team carried out the study by prospection of novel materials from different suppliers that meet the requirements of resistance to temperature and show transmission of certain colors.
Once the materials had been selected, their suitability for the final applications and operating conditions were verified through thermoanalytical techniques (TGA thermogravimetry, DSC calorimetric analysis), as well as different life cycle tests under controlled conditions.
- Prospecting and selection of high transmittance plastic optical materials and for high temperature applications
- Prospecting of materials from different suppliers according to requirements
- Design of life tests to validate the materials according to the final application