State of the art technologies for disinfection and purification

What was the challenge or problem to solve?

There are a large number of energy solutions and technologies for the sanitation and disinfection of surfaces, food, the environment …

Among the best known and most widespread in the market, you can find ozone, ionizers, ultraviolet light, plasma, ultrasound, electrical pulses …

To select the most suitable and that the client could define new developments, an investigation of these technologies was carried out

State of the art technologies for disinfection and purification
State of the art technologies for disinfection and purification

How was it addressed or what was the solution?

According to the needs and requirements, a review of the state of the art of these technologies was carried out by the Materials Innovation team, to know their operation, pros / cons and assess potential applications.

During the investigation, key factors such as effectiveness, method of implementation, energy, applicable legislation, cost, etc. were taken into account.

After completing the search stage, various internal tests of concept and screening tests were carried out to experimentally validate the technology and verify its real potential.


  • Learn about commercial solutions for sanitation and disinfection
  • Carry out internal proofs of concept to experimentally validate technology and know its real potential


  • A benchmarking of energy technologies for sanitation and disinfection was carried out
  • A list of technologies and suppliers, with experimentally contrasted information, was made available to the client to define their roadmap

Contact with us

Contact us for more information or, if you prefer, you can use one of our other technical consultancies with complementary services to boost your project.