What was the challenge or problem to solve?
The client wanted to carry out texture analysis on food, specifically on several samples of flan that he had made in order to find out their differences.
Different textural attributes had to be analysed to find significant differences between different samples of interest.
These analyses would allow the client to understand how changes in the manufacturing process affect the quality of the sample.

How was it addressed or what was the solution?
For this purpose, a texturometer was used, in which the parameters of the method were adjusted in order to carry out a complete study until it was optimised.
During the texture analysis, a sweep was made of the attributes that could characterise the texture of the flan and the three parameters that best describe the differences between the samples were determined.
- Determine differences in texture attributes in various flan samples.
- To associate texture values with flan quality attributes.
- Design of an adapted methodology for the texture analysis of flans.
- Carry out a statistical analysis with the results to find out the significant differences between samples.